Sunday, February 20, 2011

It's snowing, and my kitchen smells like a campfire.....

Happy Sunday Everyone!

I want you to know that I do totally plan on blogging WAY more than I do currently.  It's been one crazy week around here, so I haven't really had the time (or energy) to sit down and write.  But I'm here now - and that's all that matters!

I tried to start this past week with making different choices than normal, to gear up for next week when things get much more serious!  I still have yet to buy a scale, I was at Target yesterday and knew there was something I was forgetting!  Oh well, I have one more week to pick one up so fear not kind reader.  All will be revealed as it was planned.  One thing I did do this week was break out my new stove-top smoker to make a lovely Valentine's Day dinner of smoked salmon, garlic butter rice and steamed broccoli.  Boy was it delicious (and easy)!  Too bad my husband got stuck at work late and had to eat his cold :(  But, being the amazing wife that I am :), I re-made the entire dish last night for dinner as well.  So that means I've had fish two nights in one week, which might be the first time in my life that I've ever done that!  Not bad if I do say so myself!

One thing you should know about me is that, as a fully functioning sugar addict, I love me some dessert!  We have dessert almost every night here at home.  I've taken this addiction to new levels with also having something sweet at the end of lunch everyday, but we'll talk more about that later.  Back to dinnertime, this week I decided that I was going to make different choices when it came to dessert.  No, I'm not going to stop HAVING dessert, I'm just going to try to have things that are better for me, that's all.  And I'm not going to get upset with myself if I have something that's not that healthy either.  That's a shame spiral I'm not willing to go down anymore.  So while I did have apple pie ala mode twice this week, I also had two nights where I had a bowl of fresh blueberries for dessert.  For some reason I was compelled to pick up a ginormous container of blueberries last weekend at Costco and they were all gone by Thursday!  I ate what I think was two pounds of blueberries in the course of about 4 days, and now they are all I can think about.  And yesterday, since my local grocery store didn't have any blueberries (Thanks a lot) I picked up a tiny container of Haagen-Dazs Mango Sorbet.  They have them in single serving sizes with a little plastic spoon inside, super cute!  So after the salmon dinner, I decided to have my sorbet.  And you know what?  I didn't even eat the whole thing!  Yeah me!!!  I only ate half and decided to save the rest for another night, and I was very proud of myself.  I see it as a sign that my mind is making the changes that I need so that I can finally be successful in this endeavor. 

Hopefully these good decisions will continue, you'll just have to stick around to see what happens next! 


Sunday, February 13, 2011

A new beginning

Hello!  My name is Jessica and I am a food-aholic.  There, I said it.  I've decided to start this blog as a way to document what will hopefully be my journey into the world of smaller clothes.  Yes, I want to be thinner (who doesn't?).  I feel that if I write about it, it will help make me accountable for what I eat and when I'm lazy and don't exercise.  I am going to go from my birthday this year until my next birthday and see how much weight I can lose.  Overall I need to lose probably about 120 pounds to be considered "healthy".  I don't really think I can do that in a year, so I'm not going to set myself up to fail.  

Let's be real people.  If I lose 50 pounds I will consider that a success, hell at this point any weight lost would be great.  But what I really need to do is start making better choices and live a healthier lifestyle as a whole.  So, there will be no dieting AT ALL.  I will not deny myself anything.  If I want candy, I will have candy (which I want ALL THE TIME).  But I need to learn how to cut back on those urges and fill them with things that are actually good for me.

My other issue is exercise - as in I don't.  That needs to change pronto.  I have a VERY active 2 1/2 year old that I will not be able to keep up with come summer.  This kid is so into sports, I wonder if he was possibly switched at the hospital.  I'm going to use him to help me get out and get moving.  

So there you have it folks - the beginning of the end of me and my fat shadow.  My birthday is in two weeks, and that's when the real fun begins.  I need to go buy a scale because I don't actually own one.  I will post my weight as it (hopefully) diminishes, so you can play along at home if you'd like.  

I hope you will continue on with me so that I have somebody to my successes, my failures, but mostly the things that I hope to learn on this, my new beginning.  Thanks for reading, I'll see you real soon!