Sunday, February 13, 2011

A new beginning

Hello!  My name is Jessica and I am a food-aholic.  There, I said it.  I've decided to start this blog as a way to document what will hopefully be my journey into the world of smaller clothes.  Yes, I want to be thinner (who doesn't?).  I feel that if I write about it, it will help make me accountable for what I eat and when I'm lazy and don't exercise.  I am going to go from my birthday this year until my next birthday and see how much weight I can lose.  Overall I need to lose probably about 120 pounds to be considered "healthy".  I don't really think I can do that in a year, so I'm not going to set myself up to fail.  

Let's be real people.  If I lose 50 pounds I will consider that a success, hell at this point any weight lost would be great.  But what I really need to do is start making better choices and live a healthier lifestyle as a whole.  So, there will be no dieting AT ALL.  I will not deny myself anything.  If I want candy, I will have candy (which I want ALL THE TIME).  But I need to learn how to cut back on those urges and fill them with things that are actually good for me.

My other issue is exercise - as in I don't.  That needs to change pronto.  I have a VERY active 2 1/2 year old that I will not be able to keep up with come summer.  This kid is so into sports, I wonder if he was possibly switched at the hospital.  I'm going to use him to help me get out and get moving.  

So there you have it folks - the beginning of the end of me and my fat shadow.  My birthday is in two weeks, and that's when the real fun begins.  I need to go buy a scale because I don't actually own one.  I will post my weight as it (hopefully) diminishes, so you can play along at home if you'd like.  

I hope you will continue on with me so that I have somebody to my successes, my failures, but mostly the things that I hope to learn on this, my new beginning.  Thanks for reading, I'll see you real soon!

1 comment:

  1. I support you 100%. I believe in you Jess. You can do this.
