Tuesday, March 1, 2011

And so it begins......

Happy March Everyone!  I have to say, I had an amazing birthday yesterday!  Actually, my whole birthday weekend was pretty incredible.  We went to a friend's for game night on Saturday, which almost always ends up being snack and chat night, but oh well!  I was introduced to a new friend that is going to help me on this journey, but I'll get into that a little bit later.  On Sunday we met my family for a birthday dinner.  I was going to stop on the way and pick up my new scale, but wasn't feeling that great so I took a nap instead.  It was a wise decision because I felt a lot better afterwards.  Dinner was fun and I got to snuggle my nephew for a bit. 

Yesterday, on my big day, I walked into work and found that my boss had decorated my cube for my birthday - it was so much fun!  She (and her little helpers) had tape pictures from the latest teen magazines all over.  And I do mean ALL over!  They were even in my desk drawers, it was hysterical!  So I spent my day at work, kinda agonizing about the fact that I had already failed at one of my new goals.  I really wanted to start yesterday morning with my first weigh-in, but it was not meant to be.  Oh well, life goes on - I'm sure this isn't the last time I'm going to miss a deadline.  But I went out and got my scale today, so we're all good.  Last night we went out to dinner to celebrate and while I ate what I wanted, I was still trying to make somewhat better choices.  I got a seafood pasta, but only ate about half of it and then had the rest boxed up.  They offered me free dessert since it was my birthday, and I opted to get the sorbet over the ice cream.  It was delicious, but I shared it instead of eating it all myself.  (Plus, they gave me a HUGE bowl, eating it all would've put me into a sugar coma).  All in all it was a wonderful day and not a bad start to year 34.

Now, on to the good stuff.  I stopped on my way home today and picked up a brand new digital scale.  I plan to weigh myself once a week and report back on my progress.  I weighed myself before I sat down to write this, and it says that I currently weigh in at 290 pounds.  So I have at least 100 pounds to lose, but 115 would be my ultimate goal.  And, even though I am not a religious person, I'm giving up pop for Lent.  I think that if I give it up for those 40 days, then I should be able to give it up forever.  I also am going to try to post everyday and let you know what I've had to eat and how much I have exercised, so I can then look back at the week and see where my hits and misses were.  I'll list my food for today at the bottom of this post.

So, I wanted to tell you about the exciting thing that I was shown on Saturday at game night.  My friends had my play "Just Dance 2" on the Wii and let me tell you - that is one freaking insane cardio workout!  I danced to one song and I was out of breath and breaking a sweat.  Now, I know most of this is because I am so grossly out of shape, but if I dance for 30 minutes a day (or every other day) then that's more cardio than I'm getting now, right?  I'm so excited to try it at home.  When I stopped at Target today to get my scale, I tried to get the game, but they were sold out.  So my wonderful husband stopped at the Target that's on his way home and as we speak, my new game is making it's way to my living room!  I might even have the energy to dance later tonight!  If not, I will plan on having a dance party with Myles tomorrow after we get home.  He loves to play along, even though he mostly just jumps around in a circle :)

Now, on to today's food:

Medium White Chocolate Mocha, Skim milk, no whipped cream
Egg Bagel, toasted with butter

Blueberry muffin

Steak quesadilla with rice, sour cream and guacamole

Up to this point, all I've had to drink is water

Large Iced Green Tea/Lemonade, sweetened

Tonight we are having Tombstone pizza for dinner.  I am going to enjoy a bottle of pop and then for dessert I might have a cupcake with a glass of milk. 

Thanks for all your encouragement and kind words, I really look forward to seeing where this journey takes me!! 

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted to add that I weighed myself this morning, because I've always heard that first thing in the AM is the most accurate time, plus lack of clothing helps and my "official" weight is 287.6. And, I did have a cupcake after dinner, but no milk. I also let Ray finish my green tea lemonade, he got to have almost a third, which made him happy.
