Sunday, March 6, 2011

Woo Hoo!

Good Morning Readers!

So I know it hasn't officially been a week since I started, but since I am going to do my weigh-ins on Sundays, I got on the scale this morning to see where I am at.  I actually expected the number to have risen a little, or at least stayed the same because I haven't started exercising and I got a little crazy Friday night and at a bunch of stuff.  Granted some of it was blueberries, so they aren't actually bad for me, but it took me about an hour of snacking to stop and think "Maybe I'm actually thirsty?", so I grabbed a bottle of Vitamin Water and sure enough, once that was gone so were my munchies.  Add it to the list of things I need to work on, learning the difference between hunger and thirst.  This usually isn't an issue during the week since I drink water like I'm sitting in a desert, but on the weekends I totally fall off the water wagon, so I started working on that yesterday. 

So anyway, I got on the scale this morning, and low and behold my weight is down to 186.0!!  I lost 1.6 pounds since Wednesday!!  For not exercising (yet) and only making some portion and food adjustments, I am pretty pleased with that!  I will do another weigh in on Wednesday to get a full week shot, and then start every Sunday from then on.  Right now I'm going to go have a bowl of granola with a side of blueberries for breakfast, hope everyone has a wonderful day!

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