Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday's Musings....

Another week has begun - hopefully it will go as quickly as last week did!  Tomorrow is Fat Tuesday, and I am bound and determined to avoid the dreaded paczki.  They call my name everywhere, at the grocery store, at work (at least the order forms do) and even on Facebook.  But I will not give in, I will not surrender!  Another thing I've decided to do this week is give up pop for Lent.  Now, I'm not a religious person per se, but I figure if I can give up pop for 40 days straight, why go back?  It's not like I drink it all the time or anything, but it's just empty calories in the food road of life. 

So I've added a couple of yummy new products to my pantry in the ongoing effort to have healthier choices, and I wanted to share some of them with you. 

1. Kashi Cocoa Beach Granola - with almonds, coconut and cocoa-infused clusters.  I know it's probably not the best granola choice out there, but if you are a sugar addict like myself, it's a better option than Cocoa Puffs, right?  I had this for breakfast yesterday morning and it.was.good!  A 1/2 cup serving contains 7g of fiber and 6g of protein!  It does have 230 calories per serving, but you people need to work with me here.  I ate probably 3/4 of a cup with 2% milk, and didn't feel hungry again until lunch 4 hours later.  Not bad if you ask me (which you didn't, but you are reading my blog, so you're going to have to deal)

2.  Dave's Gourmet Butternut Squash Pasta Sauce - LOVE IT!  I found this at Costco a couple weeks ago (2 jars for under $5) and they were giving samples and it was delish!  It's gluten free (for any of you that need to know that) and I can pronounce every ingredient on the jar (which is rare) and it taste uber good!  We have had it with both cheese tortellini and cheese ravioli and it was a big hit!  I'm going to try to figure out how to make a veggie lasagna with it, I'll keep you posted.

3.  Thomas' Bagel Thins (Everything and Whole Wheat) - I read about these over the weekend, an alternative to sandwich bread, so when I saw they were on sale today I picked some up.  They are only 110 calories per bagel, and the bread I usually buy (white bread btw) was 120 calories PER SLICE.  In-sanity.  Myles has already had one at dinner, and he ate the whole thing!  I'm going to have one tomorrow for lunch with some egg salad that I made tonight, I'll let you know tomorrow how it worked out.

On to today's food journal:

Breakfast - Large WCM, cinnamon raisin bagel with peanut butter (and a smidge of butter)

Lunch - Leftover Korean BBQ with rice, cup of orange and grapefruit segments (with a little sugar) and a Mountain Dew to drink

Dinner - Chicken Cordon Bleu, mashed potatoes and mixed veggies.

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